Full course back in play from Friday 10th January.
Please note 9th hole will be closed from Tuesday 7th January for continued course improvement works. 17A will be in play during this time.

24th December Update.
The 8th and 9th holes have been re-opened for play on Tuesday 24th December. Please note there are extensive No-Play Zones marked on the 6th, 8th and 9th holes – relief must be taken as per the Temporary Local Rules.
As per the Temporary Local Rules there has been an optional Drop Zone (in addition to relief as per 16.1 (a)(b)) put in play at the start of the 8th Fairway to assist with taking relief between the 8th Green Tee Block and the start of the 8th Fairway as pictured below.

Further course works on the 9th hole will commence in early January. Advice regarding hole closures will be issued in due course.