As part of our commitment to best practice and in line with the objectives outlined in our 2021–2026 Strategic Plan, the Committee recently commissioned solicitor Jon Clarke to undertake a formal independent and confidential review of the Club’s corporate governance.
The review encompassed governance and management structures, risk mitigation, policies and procedures.
This was a useful process that commended the Club in many areas. The blend of relevant expertise on the Committee was highlighted as a strength, as was the collaborative environment that exists between the Committee and management. The Club’s culture, member engagement and financial performance were also positively commented on.
There were some areas that were highlighted for improvement. Key among Jon’s insights was a recommendation that the Club create a Governance, Legal and Risk Sub-Committee separate from the Finance and Planning Sub-Committee. We have since established that sub-committee which comprises Janice Fletcher, Peter Slattery, Mary Sutherland, the chair of the Finance and Planning Sub-Committee (Michael Lane) and the Vice-Captain (Craig Ball).
Other areas identified by Jon include:
- Regular sense-checking of the Club’s strategic direction by the Committee to ensure effectiveness and relevance;
- A review of all current policies including WHS, cyber risk, code of conduct for employees and contractors, and governance policies;
- Awareness of gender balance on the Committee and sub-committees;
- Amendments to the Club’s Rules to include wider definitions around members’ conduct and the consequences of misconduct;
- Consideration of the frequency of sub-committee meetings and the impact on management in terms of preparation and attendance;
- The requirement for an updated Deed of Access and Indemnity;
- A formal induction process for Committee members;
- An update to the delegations and authority to management; and
- The review and stress testing of annual budgets against the Club’s five-year budget.
Work to address these areas has commenced and we look forward to keeping members updated.